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DN Promotions: Professional Jewelry Store Moving Sales

The jewelry store industry isn’t easy. With so much competition from both local mom and pops and national chains, it can be difficult to maintain your foothold in the market. Jewelry store moving sales are a perfect opportunity for United States jewelry store owners to position themselves for future success by moving stagnant inventory. DN Promotions has years of experience running our own jewelry store, as well as helping others with a wide variety of promotional events and sales. There is any number of reasons to consider a store moving sale, including raising cash flow to pay down debt, fund moving expenses to a nice location, renovations to your existing space, or paying for advertising to drum up new business and reinvigorate your image within your community.

gold jewelry and diamonds on display

Raise Cash Flow and Take Your Business to the Next Level

DN Promotions runs numerous moving sales each year. First, we meet with you either by phone or in person to discuss your inventory, company history, and goals. Secondly, our liquidation consultants devise a plan of attack, one that respects the reputation you’ve built in your community while capitalizing on your name. Our consultants remain onsite throughout the sale and only profit off your merchandise. We limit conflicts of interest by not selling our merchandise in your store. Clients have reported they have an easier time regaining a foothold in their industry once they’ve been given an opportunity to raise a significant amount of cash.

Contact DN Promotions to Get Started

Don’t miss an opportunity to grow. We’re jewelry store owners as well. We understand the challenges of owning and operating an independent jewelry store, and we’re sensitive to the challenges you face every day. Downsizing inventory that isn’t selling is a great way to raise cash to reinvent your business to conquer the challenges you need to. For more information, contact DN Promotions today.

Generate Extra Revenue
with DN Promotions